Sovereignty Therapy

(can be done in-person or via video or phone)

2282597083Delve deeper and find answers. Transform.

Most of the time, people have no idea why they have health problems, mental and emotional struggles, or the life issues they face. Overall, we weren’t raised to look beyond the surface for the reasons we are in pain or struggling.

If you are after true answers, Sovereignty Therapy (ST) goes deep into every component of YOU to get them!

Components 2 ImgEach therapy session has two parts: the first 20-30 minutes is a focused discussion to tap into the many layers of you that need to be explored.  Then, in the last 20-30 minutes, Dr. Delight guides you through a detailed and vivid guided meditation to help you energetically cleanse, integrate and connect you as a whole person (see Components of the Whole Person for details on the 7 bodies).

Dr. Delight designed ST to get to the “meat and potatoes” of what creates your problems and bring you out the other side fully transformed.

When you come in for Sovereignty Therapy, she gets right to the point and keeps you on track, zeroed in on keys that follow the internal thread of your story right into your core. She addresses the concerns that brought you in and helps you have the A-Ha! moments that lead to profound healing.

She asks intuitively guided questions that make you dig deep into your mind, memory, emotional spaces and consciousness.  Usually, these are things that have never been brought to the forefront before.  She’s done her job when you say, “That’s a good question!” and stop to ponder it.

This therapy explores old ideas of you.

You believe this is who you are, but the truth is these old patterns are part of surviving pain and trauma, and you won’t need them anymore.

Here are some examples:

Toxic beliefs – any negative thoughts you have about yourself, others, your family, society, spirituality, or in general;
Destructive behaviors – self-sabotage, addictions, poor decision-making, etc.;
Trauma – abuse of all kinds, including PTSD, feeling misunderstood, and little things that have shaped you as a person that now stand in your way;
Labels from the medical world – diagnoses, symptoms, pain patterns, medications you think you need;
Personas or masks you have adapted – roles you play, fake versions of you created for love or approval, etc., such as being the good kid or being the bad kid.
Defense mechanisms – projecting onto others, shame and blame, attacking and lashing out, shutting down, becoming numb (physically, mentally, or emotionally);
Co-dependence – enmeshment with family, walls up, no safe boundaries in place, unable to experience emotional or physical intimacy.

2116555085Then, we restructure, reframe, and create together!

We will work together to reassess the beliefs you have, introduce new perspectives, and help you feel safe in your body.

All that negative self-talk and the endless loops of mental chatter will be contained as you overcome your demons once and for all.

You will develop tools to move past grief, frustration, desperation, and emotional baggage without the guilt. You’ll have a fresh start, a new-day feeling with peace of mind and clarity to create a vision for your life.

Self-love, intimacy, and connection become real possibilities.

The new you will feel grounded and stable in who you are, empowered, energized, and encouraged. Imagine what it would feel like to be pain-free, radiating health, and connected to pleasure with deep relish and enjoyment of YOUR life.

1816026335Doctor Delight uses a vast array of tools to help you navigate your story.

Learning about the types of tools used can help you understand what to expect in your Sovereignty Therapy session.

We will intertwine Mind-Body tools (e.g. Holographic Imagery, Memory-reframing, Inner Child Work) with Somatic tools such as body scanning and clearing. As they come together, the wounds deep within you can heal, you become more alive, becoming aware of feelings within your body and mind, and all the stuck emotions and pain get rooted out.

Memories that you replay lose their painful impact, the attention (feeling heard and seen) you want is available to you, you can safely express your child-like enthusiasm, and your true-self begins to glow from within.

Through tools such as bio-energy work and breathwork, we will move old emotions and pain to create space for Life, Soul, and empowered emotions.

550732213Dr. Delight also uses psychological tools, including mindfulness, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, and tools she has developed or adapted from elsewhere (e.g., energy blending, microcosmic orbit, and polarity work). She uses the frequency of elements and energies to enhance your ability to connect with your body as well.

Bringing in balance and connection harnesses the power of the mind, which helps you know yourself better. This allows you to go from deep shame to Love, Joy, and Peace. You will develop an emotional vocabulary to help you communicate more effectively using the emotions wheel.

Dr. Delight emphasizes your connection to spirit and energy, utilizing visualization, breath, acupuncture points, and other methods to bring in medical-grade, healing, and supportive therapeutic gemstone energy.

Here are some visuals to illustrate the feminine and masculine perspectives of Sovereignty Therapy:

Become the Whole Person.

Using tools selected specifically to enhance your well-being, Dr Delight delves into your story with nonjudgment, curiosity, and love. She helps you release, grow, and change into the whole healed person underneath the many layers keeping you from being truly sovereign and free!

This combination therapy is like no other! And you don’t even have to be in the room to receive it. She treats patients all over the world remotely, via phone or video.

Once you complete a session, she follows up with supportive articles, podcasts, books, or videos for you to watch or read to broaden and expand you further as a person, supporting your healing every step of the way!


Book a free 15-minute consult to see how Dr. Delight can help you!